2016 was a remarkable year in special education law! Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2016 is designed to make it easier for you to stay up-to-date on new cases and legal developments.
This unique book includes:
- All key decisions from the Courts of Appeals in 2016
- Four decisions that were selected as "Cases of the Year for 2016"
- Two new special education decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court that will lead to major changes in how the law is implemented
- Denied! The inside story about how state employees created a secret cap on the number of children with disabilities who could receive special ed services
In addition, this book includes:
- Cases about abuse and discrimination against children with disabilities filed by the Department of Justice
- School abuse cases brought by the American Civil Liberties Union
- Policy and Guidance from the Department of Education on diverse topics including:
- Section 504 and Students with ADHD
- Discrimination against students with disabilities
- Providing behavioral supports in IEP
- Rights of children with disabilities in public charter school
- Restraint and seclusion
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Legal Concepts and Education Laws. Introduces legal terms and concepts. You learn about statutes, regulations, case law, judicial interpretations, and factors that cause law to evolve and change. This chapter includes an overview of the federal laws that govern the education of children with disabilities.
Chapter 2. Special Education Legal News and Developments. Special education legal news and developments. This chapter includes actions taken by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and guidance from Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) and Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in the form of “Dear Colleague” letters and memos. Also includes updates on lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in school abuse cases and the newspaper series Denied. We included four exemplary cases selected as 2016 Cases of the Year. Learn what makes these cases unique and earned them the disctinction of Case of the Year.
You will also find a discussion in depth of the two Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) cases: Fry v. Napoleon (6th Circuit) and Endrew F. v. Douglas School District RE-1 (10th Circuit). Decision in both cases were issued in early 2017.
Chapter 3. Decisions in IDEA Cases by Courts of Appeals in 2016. A Table of Decisions includes the date, court, judge (if known), synopsis of the legal issues, outcome, and prevailing party in each case. Each case in the Table of Decisions is linked to a detailed summary of the case that includes the outcome and prevailing party. Also included for your convenience, is a Table of Decisions in alphabetical order, linked to the case summary.
Chapter 4. Legal Research and Tutorial on Google Scholar. Google Scholar, a powerful legal research tool, is an accessible search engine that indexes the full text of federal and state legal decisions. Learn how to use Google Scholar and have Alerts sent to you when relevant cases are published.
Complete Table of Contents (PDF)
Complete Index (PDF)
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The Table of Decisions includes the date, court, synopsis of legal issues, outcome, and prevailing party in the cases. Each case in the Table of Decisions is linked to a summary of the case where the Court's words are used to describe the issues in the case and the Court's rulings. Each case also includes a link to the full text of the decision as published in Google Scholar.